

Our regular readers will notice that we do tend to return to themes frequently. It is by no means due to the lack of topics to discuss, more a consistency in the topics that we believe matter to markets, and in today’s case equity markets.

The quarterly earnings season is once more upon us, with some big names having already reported. However, the next two weeks will provide much deeper insights into the state of the consumer, the economy, and the prospects for individual companies going forward. It is always worth remembering when you invest in equities (either directly or within an equity or multi-asset fund) you are doing so to ‘share’ in the fortunes of those companies. Company earnings drives stock price performance, which directly impacts the value of your fund. This week will see over 150 companies, with a Market Cap more than $17 trillion, report their quarterly financial results. As we maintain a neutral stance in relation to equities and bonds, the results issued this week will feed into our broader top-down investment approach.


To hear directly from the Zurich Investments team on topics such as this, please do join us (either in person or online) next Thursday 2nd May for our Annual Investment Conference. More details and registration links available here.


As always, if you wish to discuss anything in further detail, please do get in touch.