As we approach the end of summer, much focus for financial advisors shifts from global investment markets towards items closer to home such as the Irish government’s October budget and the typical busy time of year for pension planning. As active managers in the Irish equity and bond markets for over 30 years, Zurich has a depth of knowledge on the Irish economy.
Our Investment Solutions Team recently published an infographic on the Irish economy which highlights some long-term trends along with some more granular information on the Irish economy. We believe the economy is still in a position to offer opportunities to financial advisors. For example, Households saved over €19 billion in 2023, with well over €150 billion now sitting on deposit, whilst Small-Medium Enterprises continue to grow and provide further employment. Ireland is also well positioned in relative terms, with high levels of education and low unemployment. Both consumers and businesses have benefitted from this positive backdrop. Further information and details can be found here.
As always, if you wish to discuss anything in this newsletter in further detail, please do get in touch.